We have developed numerous Advanced Instruments that you can get for you totally free using our Your Email Site Control Panel! They’re meant for web developers and for webmasters who would like to be in charge of their hosting environment themselves. It’s easy to generate an .htaccess file, switch the PHP release for one’s web hosting account, alter the php.ini file, arrange various automated chores and applications, and a lot more!
Virtually all Advanced Instruments adhere to the structure pattern of our Site Control Panel, leading them to be truly convenient–to–use.
Hotlink Protection
Protect yourself from data transfer theft
In the Your Email Site Control Panel, it is easy to immediately safeguard all the pics on your sites from getting used somewhere else not having your approval. And you will do this with a couple of clicks when using Your Email’s Hotlink Protection tool.
All you have to do is choose the domain you would like to take care of and then switch on the Hotlink Protection. Changes will work instantaneously and your images will be protected against not authorized employment and traffic thievery.
.htaccess generator
Automated generation of .htaccess files
By means of the .htaccess file, you can quickly control your web site – create redirections, set up password guarded folders, and so on. Through the Your Email Site Control Panel, it’s easy to set up new .htaccess files applying Your Email’s mighty .htaccess Generator.
You don’t have to know anything as related to .htaccess files so as to use our .htaccess Generator. Simply indicate the modifications you want to make using the tool’s user–friendly and uncomplicated interface and it will immediately produce the necessary code on your behalf.
IP blocking
Prevent malevolent IPs from your website
In the Your Email Site Control Panel we have built in an exceedingly useful tool that enables you to restrict the ability to access your web sites by hindering different IP addresses. When using the IP blocking tool, you’re able to stop an IP address as well as an entire array of IPs from obtaining your site. To find out which IP addresses generate the ’bad’ traffic to your web site, you can check out the Stats Manager.
Just about all IPs are impeded quickly and no one will be able to look at or gain access to your website from them any longer.
PHP configuration
Customize the PHP rules for your website
The Your Email Site Control Panel provides the chance to easily alter the PHP release for use on your website hosting account. It’s possible to make a choice from various earlier PHP versions all the way to the newest stable PHP launch. We have produced an intuitive interface that lets you alter the PHP release as often as you like. And the release you’ve selected is going to be applied instantly.
Regardless of what PHP build you decide on, you will have complete control on the php.ini file – the PHP settings file for your hosting account. It’s easy to adjust numerous common selections, modify the whole php.ini file or immediately revert all adjusts and then set things to their default condition.
Cron Jobs
Develop automated scheduled tasks
In the Your Email Site Control Panel, we have launched a straightforward and easy–to–use interface for creating completely new and also handling existing cron jobs – the Cronjob Manager. A cron job is known as a timetabled activity – ordinarily a script, which is operated at predefined intervals of time. It may be a simple script for verifying whether your website is on the Internet, a mailing script, a website efficiency report, etcetera.
It is easy to set up take full advantage of cron jobs with Your Email’s cloud hosting offers. For those who need to have more cron jobs, it’s possible to acquire further as an upgrade.
Password Protection
Good way to give protection to your data files
Password protection is a method to secure your site with a password to make sure that only certain users can access it. For instance, you may want password protection in case you develop your web site and don’t wish the search engines or others to view it before it’s completely ready or if you wish to make a personal directory within your site with authorized access.The Password Protection instrument packaged within the Your Email Site Control Panel can help you make it happen with just a couple of mouse–clicks. You’re going to be the only one to know the username and password necessary to log in if you do not share them with someone else.
The security password will be kept in an encoded format, so not one person can find it or check it out. You alone, as the web site owner can be allowed to modify it.
URL redirection
URL redirection with only a couple of mouse–clicks
If you would like quickly route your web site to another webpage or any other website, this can be done with the URL Redirection tool. It minimizes the necessity to build PHP redirects or set up an .htaccess file. Basically state the location you want to point your website to and the software tool will take care of everything else. Your domain will be redirected very quickly.
And if you intend to cease the redirection as well as have your website directed back to the initial URL, you can do so with merely a click of your computer mouse.