In case you are a site owner, a problem may always crop up and it doesn’t necessarily have to be associated with the hosting service itself. For instance, something can go wrong when you update a web-based app or some important content could be modified or deleted unintentionally. Whatever the essence of the problem is, you will need to get in touch with the respective tech support staff and request them to recover a backup or to help you resolve the problem that you’re confronting. How fast they’ll do it will predetermine the amount of time that your sites will be unreachable. For certain sites such as community websites or shopping portals, a repetitive outage too often equals lost customers and money. Hence, it’s important for you to use the services of a web hosting company that provides not only a very good client support service, but also a prompt one.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Shared Website Hosting

Our guaranteed max reply time for any customer support ticket that you post or any e-mail that you write is only sixty minutes, even if you contact us during weekends and national holidays. Irrespective of the essence of your problem or inquiry, we’ll help you momentarily and will supply you with the required info to troubleshoot any problem with your sites. The real reaction time commonly does not surpass fifteen-twenty minutes, which means that you can just forget about waiting around for hours and hours on end to get a problem resolved or what is even worse than that – waiting around a whole day only to obtain an answer that more information is necessary whilst nothing is fixed. We’ll offer you assistance in a well-timed fashion because we are aware of exactly how precious time can be in the dynamic electronic world. The one-hour reply guarantee applies to any billing or technical query that you may have relating to our shared website hosting.